Remittance made easy with EZREMIT

Assured with integrity, authority, quality.

RONG YI HUI Terms and Conditions

Updated on 17 May 2022

The following Terms and Conditions are IMPORTANT because they govern your access to and use of the website (“Website”), software applications that run on mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and the like (‘Apps’) and our Services as defined below.

The Website and Apps are owned and operated by RONG YI HUI Pty Ltd (ABN 37 644 637 276), its subsidiaries and affiliates (“RONG YI HUI ”, “we”, “us”, “our”).


If you breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions then you right to access and use the Websites & Apps will immediately cease.

Please note that all information and content available on the Websites & Apps (“Content”) is frequently updated.

We may vary these Terms and Conditions at any time and at our discretion and so we recommend that you refer to these Terms and Conditions each time you use the Websites & Apps. The amended Terms and Conditions will be effective from the date they are published on Websites & Apps. You continued use of the Website & Apps will constitute your acceptance of the amended Terms and Conditions.

1.About Our Services

1.1 Foreign Exchange Services

We are an Australian based remittance service company (AUSTRAC Registration Number: IND100714804-001).

We provide foreign currency remittance services for both individual clients and business clients (“you”, “your”). We facilitate the remittance of one currency for another upon your request to the person you nominate (“Receiver”) at an agreed exchange rate.

We offer a wide range of currencies available, including Australian dollar (AUD), U.S. dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Hong Kong dollar (HKD), Japanese Yen (JPY), New Zealand dollar (NZD), Chinese Yuan (CNY), etc.

Your eligibility for particular products or services is subject to RONG YI HUI ’s final determination and acceptance. RONG YI HUI may discontinue or make changes in the information, products or services described herein at any time.

1.2 No Financial Advice

We do not offer either general or personal financial, investment or other advice. The information on the Website and Apps shall not be construed as creating a fiduciary, financial or other relationship between RONG YI HUI and you. If you want financial advice, you must seek specific advice tailored to your circumstances.

Any statements or comments made are not a recommendation that a particular course of action is suitable for you. Nothing on this Website and Apps amounts to an offer to you.

1.3 External Links

The Website and Apps may contain links to other websites which are not under the control of RONG YI HUI . We do not take responsibility for the content of any externally linked sites, nor do we make representations or warranties whatsoever about any externally linked sites. A link does not imply endorsement by or sponsorship by or affiliation with RONG YI HUI , nor does it suggest any relationship between RONG YI HUI and the organisation linked.


To use our service, you must

1) meet be aged 18 years or over and be under no legal disability or incapacity,

2) have the power to enter a binding contract with us and not barred from doing so under any applicable law,

3) inform us if you are a Politically Exposed Person or an immediate family member of Politically Exposed Person, and

4) use it for legitimate purpose.

If you, either individual or business client, authorise any other person (“authorised person”) to act on your behalf, we will rely on instructions received from your authorised person and you will be bound by these instructions unless you withdraw your authority from that authorised person. You
must give us at least 24 hours’ notice in writing should you intend to withdraw or vary that authority.

3.Registering an Account

To create an account (“RONG YI HUI Account”), you need to provide required identifying information about yourself. After your account is registered, you will be able to obtain a unique username and password (“Login Details”) to sign into your account.

3.1 Identity Verification

For the purpose of complying with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and other subordinate instructions (“AML/CTF Laws”), we are required to obtain, verify and record information that identifies you. Please refer to the Privacy Policy relating to the collection and use of your information. We reserve the right to request additional information or documents from you at any time to verify your identity and/or to comply with regulatory or third party requirements.

Failure to provide such information or our inability to verify the accuracy of the information provided may result in, at our sole discretion, denial of your application to use our Service, suspension of your RONG YI HUI Account, revocation of Login Details, and/or any other action as we deem appropriate.

You must provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your information or circumstances.

3.2 Management of Login Details

In all cases, you agree that:

1) your RONG YI HUI Account must be used by you only;

2) you are entirely responsible for keeping your Login Details secure and confidential and will not disclose these to any third party;

3) you are entirely responsible for any and all activities conducted via your RONG YI HUI Account;

4) RONG YI HUI will be entitled to assume that anyone who uses your RONG YI HUI Account is you, accepts no responsibility for misuse or unauthorised access and will not be liable for any loss you incur due to any misuse or unauthorised access;

5) any breach of these Terms and Conditions under your Login Details will be treated as a breach by you; and

6) you must notify us in writing immediately if you know or reasonably suspect that your Login Details is lost, stolen, misappropriated or unauthorised used.

3.3 Grant of Licence

You are granted a non-exclusive, limited and non-transferrable licence to use and access our Service subject to our final acceptance. You agree not to modify, copy, reproduce, duplicate, sell, transmit, perform, publish, licence, transfer or create derivative works from any information, software, services from our Website and Apps. You must not upload, store, or transmit any spam or any malicious code or virus of malicious or destructive nature.

You cannot create more than one RONG YI HUI Account. You acknowledge that you cannot assign or transfer your RONG YI HUI account to any other party.

4.Placing an Order

4.1 Legal Binding

We accept you entering into an order via our Apps, by telephone, by email, by messaging apps or in a store. By placing an order, you are giving us instructions to enter into a transaction. The Transaction is legally binding on you as and from the time when we receive your instructions pursuant to this Clause 4. Once a transaction is legally binding, you may not terminate the transaction.

4.2 Ownership of Funds

You must be the beneficial owner of any funds that are intending to transfer. We may reasonably request evidence of ownership of the funds.

4.3 Online Ordering

To place an order, you must follow the user manual on our application for step-by-step order instructions. You are able to correct the information any time before you click on the “Confirm” button. Once click the confirm, you are required to review the information you provided. It is your responsibility to make sure all the details are complete and accurate before clicking on the “Submit’ button.

The transaction is legally binding on you each time when you confirm the order details on screen.

4.4 Telephone Ordering

You must contact our phone numbers published on our website to place an order. The Transaction is legally binding on you at the conclusion of the phone call.

We may send you a confirmation email with order details. The confirmation email is for correction purpose only. If there is any error, you must contact us within 24 hours of the receipt of the email. Otherwise, the order details in the email will be deemed to be correct.

4.5 Email Ordering

If you would like to place an order by email, you must make sure you send to our company’s email account. The transaction is legally binding at the time when we process your email.

We may send you a confirmation email with order details. The confirmation email is for correction purpose only. If there is any error, you must contact us within 24 hours of the receipt of the email. Otherwise, the order details in the email will be deemed to be correct.

4.6 Ordering via Messaging apps

If you place an order via messaging apps, the transaction of the order is legally binding when you provide all order details.

We may send you a confirmation slip with order details. The confirmation slip is for correction purpose only. If there is any error, you must contact us immediately of the receipt of the slip. Otherwise, the order details in the slip will be deemed to be correct.

4.7 In-Store Ordering

If you place an order in our store, the transaction of the order is legally binding when you complete the “Beneficiary Account Form”.

We may give you a confirmation slip with order details. The confirmation slip is for correction purpose only. If there is any error, you must notify us immediately over the counter, failing which the transaction details in the slip will be deemed to be correct.

4.8 Accurate and True Information

For each order you make with us, you must make sure that the details in the order are accurate and true in all aspects. The details include but not limited to, total transaction amount, your details and receiver’s banking details. We do not check the details for you and will not be held liable for loss arising from the incomplete and / or inaccurate details provided to us. Subject to this Clause 4 and Clause 7.1, once an order has been submitted, you will generally not be able to change any details contained in your order. You must not use our Service in a fraudulent manner.

4.9 Foreign Exchange Quote

You acknowledge that a foreign exchange rate given upon your request, does not constitute an offer to enter into a contract. We are not obliged to accept your offer unless you and RONG YI HUI both agreed.

4.10 Not to Strangers

You agree that you will only use our service to send money to people that you know personally. You agree that you will not pay money to strangers.

5.Transaction Amount Limits

An online order can be subject to a maximum transaction amount, that is, you cannot send more than a specified amount of money in one online transaction. However, this limitation does not impose to orders that are made in a store, by phone, by email or by messaging apps unless otherwise specifies. These limits are subject to change from time to time in our sole discretion.

6.Exchange Rates, Fees and Charges

We reserve the right to make changes to the fees and charges.

6.1 Exchange Rate

Currency exchange rates are always fluctuating. You must be aware that the rates on the Website and Apps are a guide only, there is a possibility that rate is subject to change at the time of ordering or quoting, either by telephone, online, messaging apps or in store, due to exchange rate fluctuations.

The exchange rate agreed between you and RONG YI HUI shall be the applicable rate to the order.

6.2 Service Fee

We charge a small fixed service fee on a certain transaction. This service fee is a separate fee and does not form any part of your exchange funds, payable for each transaction.

6.3 Other fees or charges

These include but not limited to:

International bank transfer fee: may be deducted from the amount of transfer. We have no control over it and will not be liable for such fees.

Bank cheque fee: AUD$10 payable when we issue a bank cheque when you opt to access your available funds.

Company search fee: AUD$22 per search payable when a company search is required.

7. Order Confirmation

7.1 Error Correction Mechanism after Submission

We shall send you an order confirmation once you have submitted an order. The order confirmation provides an opportunity to correct any error only. If you place an order over the counter in store or by messaging apps, you will be giving the confirmation. You must review the confirmation immediately and notify any changes you wish to make. For orders made by other methods, if you wish to make changes, you must contact us WITHIN 24 HOURS on receipt of the order confirmation. Otherwise, the order details are deemed to be accurate.

7.2 Accept or reject order at our sole discretion

We may, at our sole discretion, accept or reject any order we receive.

8. Payment & Collection

8.1 Principal amount and service fee must be received in cleared funds and in full

You must send us the full amount of the principal money you wish to exchange to our nominated bank account, together with any service fee or any third party’s charges, before we execute a transaction. Please note that the funds must be cleared before we will credit your Beneficiary Account. We reserve the right to requote the exchange rate.

8.2 Beneficiary Account Details

You must provide us with full details of beneficiary account, including beneficiary’s banking details, identity documents, full name and address. We rely on you to provide us with correct bank account details. We will not be liable or responsible if any funds are not received due to incorrect banking details provided by you. You must notify us IMMEDIATELY of any change to your beneficiary’s account details.

8.3 No Interest paid

You acknowledge that you will not receive any interest or other earnings on any funds held by us.

8.4 Processing time

The transaction will be processed in 1 – 3 business days, subject to Clause 8.1. Actual receipt of the money transferred into your nominated beneficiary account may take longer, because it depends on the intermediary banks involved.

8.5 Cash Payment and Collection

Cash payment and collection are only available for in-store transactions. We only accept payment by cash for no more than AUD$10,000 or equivalent foreign currency per person per day. Your cash collection is subject to a maximum value of AUD $9,900 or equivalent foreign currency per person per transaction per day.

9. Your right to cancel

Once you have ordered a transaction with us and the transaction is legally binding on you (please see Clause 4 for more information), you cannot cancel or terminate it. As soon as we received your order, we will start processing the transaction, including buying the currency.

If you breach any of your obligation (including the events prescribed by Clause 10.1) and we will terminate or cancel the transaction as a result of your breach, you will be liable for the amount of loss. Please see Clause 10.4 for detailed information on “payment of loss”.

10. Our right to reject, suspend or cancel

10.1 Events

You acknowledge and agree that if one of the following events occurs, we may refuse, suspend or cancel any or all transactions with us, without prior notice to you:

1) you fail to send us the full amount of the principal money on the due date;

2) you fail to provide material information upon our request, including your source of funds. purpose of transfer, etc.;

3) if we reasonably believe that any document or information provided by you is inaccurate or misleading;

4) if it becomes or may become illegal for us to perform our obligations under this Terms and Conditions;

5) if bankruptcy or winding up proceedings are commenced against you;

6) in the event of your death or loss of mental capacity;

7) you fail to comply with one or more of the Terms and Conditions;

8) there is an unresolved dispute between you and us; or

9) when we consider it is necessary to do so.

10.2 Default notification

If you become aware of any event referred to in Clause 10.1, you must notify us immediately.

10.3 Consequences

If any of event referred to in Clause 10.1 take place, we shall, at our absolute discretion, be entitled to and at your expense:

1) refuse to proceed with the transaction;

2) suspend any orders that are processing;

3) cancel any outstanding orders;

4) close out any or all of your transactions; and

5) charge you with the amount of loss.

10.4 Payment of loss

The amount of loss includes the loss incurred between purchasing and buying back the currency, service fee, and any other expenses / fees incurred by us or the third party in relation to your transaction.

The amount of loss will become liquidated damages by you to us and is payable to us within 7 calendar days on demand. If we hold your funds from any transaction, we will deduct the total amount of loss. If it is not paid or not fully paid, we will also be entitled to recover from you any amount that remains payable. If circumstance arise which entitle us to recover the loss, we are entitled to recover from you the loss as a debt and you shall pay our costs for recover of the loss, including interest and legal cost.

10.5 Interest

You acknowledge and agree that we may charge you interest on any amount that remains payable to us after we close out any or all of your transactions. The interest rate is calculated at 2% per annum over the base rate of the Reserve Bank of Australia. The interest is computed at a daily rate and be compounded from the day immediately after closing out date up to and including the date on which full payment is made by you.

10.6 Refund to same account

The refund will only be made upon your written request. For your security, the refund can only be made to the same account from which the payment originated.

11. Misdirected Funds

11.1 Mistake made by you

We rely on you to provide us with correct bank account details. If funds are sent to the wrong accounts provided by you in accordance with your instruction, we will not be liable or responsible either to recover the funds or to resend the funds to the correct Beneficiary Account. You will need to place a new order.

11.2 Mistake made by us

If your funds are sent to the wrong account as the result of our mistake, we will take urgent action at our own expense to recover those funds subject to your immediate assistance. This shall be the full extended of our liability to you.

11.3 Overpayment

If we send you the funds more than the amount you are expected to receive which is clearly a mistake on our part as the result of a technical or human error, this is not binding on us. You must notify us as soon as you are aware of the mistake and reimburse the difference between the amount actually paid and the amount payable by us.

12. Legitimate Use

You must not violate the Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws, statute, ordinance, contract or regulations when using our service. The use of this service for any of the following activities is prohibited and considered a violation of the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to: sexual materials or services; gambling activities; fraud; money laundering; support for terrorist activities; buying and selling of tobacco, military fire, drugs or other controlled substances ; or remit money to any recipient who violates the Terms and Conditions.

If you use this service for any illegal actions, we have the right to report to relevant law enforcement agencies. If a transaction is suspected to be used for purposes prohibited by this Terms and Conditions, we and/or our partner institutions have the right to cancel the transaction and close out your account at our sole discretion. You confirm that you are responsible for your behaviour in using the service in violation of the Terms and Conditions.

13.Limitation of Liability

13.1 No liability for Delays

While we will use our reasonable endeavours to ensure the timely transmission of funds, there may be delays caused by reasons beyond our control. This includes invalid account details provided by you, system or operational failure, technical or administrative problems experienced by the intermediary banks involved, delay caused by accident or act of god, and so forth.

We shall bear no responsible or liable for any of your losses or damages whatsoever incurred in any way, as a result of any delays in the transmission of funds.

13.2 No liability for Technical Problems

Subject to legislation, we exclude liability for any delay, inaccessibility, interruption or outage of the Website and Apps and/or any loss or corruption of data.

We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Website and / or Apps. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

13.3 No Liability for Computer Hardware or Systems

There are risks associated with utilising an internet-based transaction. This includes, but not limited to, the interference with or damage to the operations of your computer hardware, the failure of software, the disconnection of internet. As we have no control over the configuration of your computer equipment or reliability of its connection, we will not be responsible for any failures caused when trading via the Internet.

14. Warranties and Indemnities

14.1 Warranties

If you choose to use or access our Websites & Apps, you agree that you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about the Websites & Apps or any of their content.

14.2 Indemnities

You must indemnify, to the maximum extent permitted by law, and to keep RONG YI HUI indemnified from and against any claims or liabilities arising from or in connect with your use or access of the Websites & Apps and/or any breach of the Terms and Conditions by you or any third party. This is a continuing obligation, continues after the Terms and Conditions end.

15. Intellectual Property

Our intellectual property, including but not limited to copyright in all content of the Websites & Apps, trademark, patent, trade secret, logo, domain name and any other intellectual property are the sole property of RONG YI HUI . You must not display, use, reproduce or exploit any of our intellectual property for public or commercial purposes.

You agree that you will not use our intellectual property:

a) in any manner not expressly permitted by the Terms and Conditions; or

b) in a manner which is likely to cause confusion or damage to the reputation of RONG YI HUI.

Your use of and access to any of our intellectual property does not grant or transfer to you any rights, title or interest to our intellectual property.

16. Privacy

We respect your privacy and handle your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Your use of the Website and Apps is at all time subject to the provisions of our Privacy Policy.

17. Entire Agreement

The Terms and Conditions, together with Privacy Policy and amendments (if any), constitutes the entire agreement between you and RONG YI HUI and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous understandings and agreements pertaining to the Service.

18. Translation

The Terms and Conditions are made in English and Chinese. In the event of a conflict between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

19. Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

20. Interpretation & Definitions

20.1 Whenever used in this Terms and Conditions, or any ancillary document hereto, the following terms, unless the subject matter or context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:

20.1.1 “Amount of loss” has the meaning attributed to in Clause 10.4;

20.1.2 “Authorised person” means a person who is authorised to bind you under these Terms and Conditions;

20.1.3 “AUD” means Australian Dollar;

20.1.4 “Beneficial owner” means the legal owner of an asset, either directly or indirectly, including the assets may be held in another name, for example trustee;

20.1.5 “Business day” means a day on which we and trading banks are open for business that shall not include a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in Australia;

20.1.6 “Close out” has the meaning attributed to in Clause 10.3;

20.1.7 “Closing out date” means the date on which any or all of your transactions have been closed out;

20.1.8 “Exchange rate” means the price of one currency in terms of another currency;

20.1.9 “Immediate family member” means someone’s spouse, de-facto partner, dependent child/ren, a legal guardian;

20.1.10 “Interest” has the meaning attributed to in Clause 10.5;

20.1.11 “Messaging apps” means a software programme that allows client to send and receive information, including but not limited to WeChat, WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger, text messages, etc.;

20.1.12 “RONG YI HUI account” means an account we establish in your name for making and recording transactions;

20.1.13 “Politically Exposed Person” means an individual who is or has entrusted with a prominent public position or function in a government body or international organisation, in or outside Australia;

20.1.14 “Principal amount” means the money you are exchanging;

20.1.15 “Service” has the meaning attributed to in Clause 1; and

20.1.16 “Terms and Conditions” means this Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time and any other documents annexed or incorporated by reference.

20.2 Words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa.

20.3 Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders.

20.4 Reference to a person or individual includes bodies corporate, unincorporated associations, partnerships, trusts and individuals.

20.5 The division of the Terms and Conditions into articles and insertion of headings is for convenience and reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Terms and Conditions.

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